Collections on Loan
The Kittitas County Historical Museum often lends items in its collection to other museums, historic and heritage organizations, and other businesses or organizations in order to enhance an exhibit that institution may have, make items more accessible to the public, or highlight a specific topic on local and regional history. These loans are subject to approval by the KCHS Board of Directors, and do not jeopardize the level of care provided to the items nor limit public access to the items in any form.
Hotel Windrow
Paying homage to the traditions of the Kittitas Valley through its agriculture, art, and history of the community, Hotel Windrow incorporates these aspects in its name, décor, and overall design. Hotel and restaurant visitors and guests have an opportunity to view multiple displays and exhibits located throughout the building, including the Museum’s current exhibit “Hotels of Ellensburg.”
The Hotel Windrow display is an annual display that features a special theme selected by Museum and hotel staff. Currently, the exhibit theme is Historic Ellensburg Hotels. Objects, photographs, and interpretative text combine to give the visitor a dive into the histories behind local hotels and motels such as the Johnson House, the Antlers Hotel, the Webster Hotel, the Rega Lodge Motel, and the Waits Motel, among many others. The exhibit case is located on the Basement level near the Fitness Center, and will change on a regular basis — so be sure to check it out!
Paying homage to the traditions of the Kittitas Valley through its agriculture, art, and history of the community, Hotel Windrow incorporates these aspects in its name, décor, and overall design. Hotel and restaurant visitors and guests have an opportunity to view multiple displays and exhibits located throughout the building, including the Museum’s current exhibit “Hotels of Ellensburg.”

Hotels of Ellensburg
The Hotel Windrow display is an annual display that features a special theme selected by Museum and hotel staff. Currently, the exhibit theme is Historic Ellensburg Hotels. Objects, photographs, and interpretative text combine to give the visitor a dive into the histories behind local hotels and motels such as the Johnson House, the Antlers Hotel, the Webster Hotel, the Rega Lodge Motel, and the Waits Motel, among many others. The exhibit case is located on the Basement level near the Fitness Center, and will change on a regular basis — so be sure to check it out!

1905 Columbia Electric Victoria Phaeton
Puget Sound Energy
The Renewable Energy Center at the Puget Sound Energy Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility provides both a close-up of the wind turbines, solar arrays, and numerous educational displays on wind and solar technology and local natural history and cultural history. We have on annual loan to the Renewable Energy Center a 1905 Columbia Electric Victoria Phaeton car; Indigenous food gathering and processing tools; and a moonshine still.
Puget Sound Energy
The Renewable Energy Center at the Puget Sound Energy Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility provides both a close-up of the wind turbines, solar arrays, and numerous educational displays on wind and solar technology and local natural history and cultural history. We have on annual loan to the Renewable Energy Center a 1905 Columbia Electric Victoria Phaeton car; Indigenous food gathering and processing tools; and a moonshine still.

1905 Columbia Electric Victoria Phaeton
Ida Nason Aronica Elementary School
Throughout the year, we are providing a display at Ida Nason Aronica Elementary School to pay tribute to a wonderful woman and keep the stories and traditions of the K’ti’tas and Pshwánapam bands alive. The display will rotate items such as baskets, bags, and family photographs during the year. There are also QR codes in the exhibit to learn how to pronounce the items in the Yakama Sahaptin, or Ichishkíin Sínwit, language.