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November 4, 2024


6PM - 8PM


All Ages (Under 18 must be accompanied by a parent)


114 E 3rd Ave, Ellensburg, WA 98926

Weaving Circle


November 4, 2024

The Kittitas County Historical Museum and the Ellensburg School District Ichiskíin Sɨ́nwit ku Tiináwit Payúutmita (ESD Ichisḱin Language and Native American Culture Program) are excited to host a Weaving Circle every 1st Monday of the month, 6-8pm, at the Kittitas County Historical Museum. Please note there will not be a Weaving Circle during the month of September.
This event provides a space for weavers to bring their projects and work, share, learn and enjoy. These events are open to the community at large, but any minor (under 18) participants need to be picked up by parents promptly at the end of the session. Parents are welcome to stay and assist/learn with their students.
Anyone interested in participating are asked to bring a snack, a good attitude and open mind, and whatever weaving you are working on. (No supplies are provided.)
If you have any questions, please contact Sia Aronica at [email protected] or Sadie Thayer at [email protected]
  • November 4, 2024

More to Explore at the Museum


Permanent Exhibit

This display highlights information about the Northern Pacific Railway (today known as the BNSF Railway) and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Road.

Ellensburg Blue Agate

Permanent Exhibit

Over 50 samples of Ellensburg Blue Agate are featured in the ongoing Rock and Mineral display, which is the largest collection held by a museum.

First Friday Art Walk

April 4, 2024, 5 PM - 7 PM

Join us to experience and explore the history, heritage, and culture of Kittitas County.